08-09/11/2024 I participated to the Swiss Geoscience Meeting in Basel, Switzerland, where I presented my recent work on Cross-sensor marine debris detection from optical satellites.
11-12/04/2024 I participated to the Data Science for the Sciences conference in Bern, Switzerland, where I presented a poster on Denoising as a strategy for Detecting Ocean Plastic Pollution with few labels. Manon Béchaz presenter her Master’s thesis work on Predicting Oceanic Drifts of Plastic Waste with Physical and Data-driven Approaches and her poster was awarder with the best poster award of the conference.
16-17/10/2023 I participated to the Remote Sensing of Marine Litter Workshop 2023 at ESA-ESTEC where I presented our poster about ADOPT: AI for Detecting Ocean Plastic pollution with Tracking.
05-09/06/2023 The TDMA Summer School (Traitement des Données Massives et Apprentissage: Applications en géophysique, écologie et SHS) was held in Grenoble, 5-9 June 2023. I gave out an introductory course on Deep Learning and a practical work on Remote Sensing data processing, together with Florence Tupin.
27/04/2023 I presented my post-doctoral work on self-supervised SAR image segmentation at the Deep Learning Working Group of IMAGES team, Télécom Paris.
26/04/2023 Each year, the departments of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris award the “PhD Thesis Award of the Department…” in order to distinguish particularly innovative doctoral work of exceptional quality. The IDIA (Informatics, Data and Artificial Intelligence) committee for the best PhD 2022 of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris has awarded my Ph.D work. More precisely, the committee has awarded: Antonin Leroux (LIX) as first prize for IDIA, Cameron Calk (LIX) as accessit, Emanuele Dalsasso (LTCI) as accessit, Elie Michel (LTCI) as accessit. The IDIA department is composed by the following laboratories: Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l’Information (LTCI), Laboratoire d’Informatique (LIX), L’Unité Mixte de Recherche SAMOVAR, UER d’Informatique et d’Ingénierie des Systèmes (U2IS), Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées (CMAP).
17/01/2023 On 2023, January the 17th I presented my Ph.D work on self-supervised deep learning methods for SAR despeckling at the Machine Learning Research Unit seminar of TU Wien informatics.
27/07/2022 On 2022, July the 27th I presented at the 14th EUSAR Conference our paper entitled “Self-supervised training strategies for SAR image despeckling with deep neural networks”. You can access the preprint and to my slides. The article has been awarded the Best Student Paper Award (2nd place).
27/07/2022 I presented the article \textit{“Self-supervised training strategies for SAR image despeckling with deep neural networks”} at EUSAR 2022 conference
11/07/2022 With the team of engineers of Hi! Paris we just released a python package called deepdespeckling on Pypi. It currently implements MERLIN for TerraSAR-X Stripmap and HighRes SpotLight data. The package will be constantly updated. Hopefully more news will follow soon!
18/11/2021 I was invited to present my Ph.D work on supervised, semi-supervised and self-supervised learning for SAR image despeckling at the Vertigo team seminar of the Conservatoire Nationale des Arts et Métiers
23/09/2021 I presented the self-supervised algorithm MERLIN at the scientific seminar of IMAGES team, Télécom Paris
14/07/2021 I presented the article \textit{“Exploiting multi-temporal information for improved speckle reduction of Sentinel-1 SAR images by deep learning”} at IGARSS 2021 conference
07/07/2021 I presented the SAR2SAR algorithm at the 2nd french INSU-INSIS workshop on remote sensing and Earth observation
15/06/2021 I was invited to present the SAR2SAR approach at the $\phi$-lab seminar, ESA (European Spatial Agency)
01/04/2021 I presented the article \textit{“How to handle spatial correlations in SAR despeckling? Resampling strategies and deep learning approaches”} at EUSAR 2020 conference
01/03/2021 I presented a contribution in SAR time-series despeckling through self-supervised deep learning at the Deep Learning Working Group of IMAGES team, Télécom Paris
22/11/2020 I presented a review of state-of-the-art methods for SAR despeckling at the Deep Learning Working Group of IMAGES team, Télécom Paris
21/10/2020 I presented my work on supervised and semi-supervised learning for speckle reduction in SAR imagery at the scientific seminar of IMAGES team, Télécom Paris
07/10/2020 I was invited to present my work on supervised and semi-supervised learning for speckle reduction in SAR imagery at the Informatics Laboratory seminar of the University of Turin, Italy