October 2023 - ongoing Currently with the ECEO lab of EPFL. Working with Devis Tuia and Marc Rußwurm on ADOPT: AI for Detecting Ocean Plastic Pollution with Tracking, a project founded by the Swiss Data Science Center.
September 2022 - September 2023 During my post-doc under ASTRAL project (Apprentissage StaTistique pour l’imageRie sAr muLtidimensionnelle), funded by the joint ASTRID program of ANR and AID, I worked with Clément Rambour and Nicolas Thome on self-supervised learning for representation learning in remote sensing.
March 2022 - September 2022 During my post-doc with Florence Tupin and Loïc Denis I worked on network architectures suitable for multi-dimensional complex SAR data (in particular polarimetric SAR data).
January 2019 - March 2022 The subject of my Ph.D was: “Deep Learning for SAR imagery: from denoising to scene understanding”. Throughout my Ph.D thesis, I have explored supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised deep learning approaches for speckle reduction from Synthetic Aperture Radar images. The fluctuations caused by speckle seriously limit the exploitation of SAR data. The speckle phenomenon has a deterministic yet unpredictable phenomenon: it is often modeled as a random variable and treated as a multiplicative noise. At first, we proposed to create a dataset of groundtruth images to train a deep model for speckle reduction, namely SAR-CNN. To account for specific acquisition modality, introducing speckle spatial correlation, we then introduce a semi-supervised approach to train neural networks directly on SAR data: SAR2SAR. The algorithm relies on the noise2noise framework and on SAR time-series. However, one does not always have access to more images acquired over a same area. With MERLIN we show that, somehow counterintuitively, one can exploit the phase of a single-look complex SAR image to produce two independent subimages, namely the real and the imaginary part, creating ideal conditions to perform unsupervised learning on single SAR images.
I have been reviewing for the following journals and conferences: